On 2 June 2022, an event was organized in the context of capitalization of the NEORION Project to promote its outcomes and results to a bigger and new audience at national level and to explore future collaborations, in order to accelerate both the cooperation of key actors and innovation in the industry. The event was organized by project partner UAEGEAN (University of the Aegean) at the Hellenic institute of Marine Technology in Piraeus (Greece).


Following the institutional greeting from the representatives of UAEGEAN, NEORION partners gave an overview of the project, it goals and achievements. The NEORION networking platform was also presented in detail, including its main features, function and capabilities it offers.

Invited speakers from maritime industry and academics, namely prof. Nikitas Nikitakos, dr. Afrokomi-Afroula Stefanakou, Cristos Georgousopoulos, dr. Gregory Yovanof, Alexandros Kaouris and dr. Theodoros Lilas, presented the latest developments in IMO’s regulatory framework related with green shipping as well as opportunities for green shipping finance. Participants also had the opportunity to learn about vessel emission monitoring using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), as well as for the sector of Marine Renewable Energy-MRE and offshore structures, and the future opportunities that arise for shipyard facilities from this emerging sector. The event successfully concluded with an open discussion between speakers and participants, creating a favourable ground for further knowledge transfer and discussion in the light of green shipbuilding and shipping industry.